GExperts Credits

Major GExperts Contributors:

  • Erik Berry – Project Leader (1998-present)
  • Gerald Nunn – Early work (1996-1998)
  • Stefan Hoffmeister – IDE menu shortcut expert, major source cleanup, C++Builder support, etc.
  • John Hansen – Project Option Sets, and lots of other things
  • Arentjan Banck – Lots of little tweaks and features, our common controls expert
  • Primoz Gabrijelcic – Components to Code expert, GP utilities, OmniXML, etc.
  • Gardner, Paul – Open File tool, additions to the Message Dialog and Procedure List experts
  • Thomas Mueller – Various features
  • Robert Wachtel – Set Component Properties
  • Per-Eric Larsson – Reverse Statement, Uses Clause Manager
  • Rich Hollerich – Various features
  • Alex Petrov – Code Proofreader
  • Martin Waldenburg – Pascal parser
  • Puthoon – Lots of nice hacks such as Delphi 4 docking, and the Kibitz compiler interface
  • Ray Lischner – Component replace expert
  • Taz Higgins – ASCII chart
  • SynEdit – Source code editor
  • Abbrevia – Zip file creation
  • Many others have contributed bugfixes, bug reports, and suggestions. A special thanks goes to the Delphi community members who help out in the newsgroups.


If you have contributions you think would be useful, please notify the mailing list. We are especially interested in donations of an updated documentation tool (such as Help and Manual 6).